Disc Replacement

Your spine is made up of 33 vertebrae, each separated by a shock absorbing intervertebral disc. Discs can be damaged by wear and tear or trauma, putting painful pressure on the nerve roots.

How it works

Surgical disc replacement is generally performed on the cervical spine (neck) or lumbar spine (lower back). To perform the procedure, you will be placed under a general anaesthetic. Your surgeon will then make an incision in either the front of your neck (for cervical disc replacement) or abdomen (for lumbar disc replacement), remove the deteriorated disc through the incision, and place an artificial disc made of metal or a biopolymer plastic. Following the surgery, you will need to remain in hospital for a few days.

Benefits of disc replacement

Disc replacement is generally performed as a spinal treatment when conservative methods have not been effective. Disc replacement surgery may be a better option than vertebral fusion, although not all patients are suitable candidates for this type of surgery.

Is disc replacement right for me?

During consultation, your health professional will assess the extent of the damage to your intervertebral discs and make a decision on whether the extent of the damage is cause for surgical intervention. However, factors unrelated to your injury can affect whether or not disc replacement surgery is right for you.

Having scoliosis or another form of spinal deformity, having had previous spinal surgery, having a joint disease in your spine or being excessively overweight are all factors which can influence how appropriate disc replacement surgery will be for your case.

Request a consultation

Our team can provide you with further details on on disc replacement procedures.
Contact us today to find out more.

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